Hey y’all, it’s Danita and you’ve heard me talking about my sleep – or my lack thereof! Well, I recently made an appointment with Dr. Tony Soileau at Louisiana Sleep Solutions.

During our consultation, he kept talking about this thing called good sleep. Now, I know what sleep is, but let’s face it, I have no idea what good sleep is – haha, so, I’m now on a mission to find this elusive good sleep.
From what Dr. Soileau is saying, good sleep could be the key to solving a whole slew of issues you might be experiencing right now – easy things like heartburn and acid reflux or waking up to go to the bathroom, (yep, right there with ya!).
It can also help more pressing medical issues like diabetes, and pcos.
Ladies, listen up: What if I told you that good sleep could help with things like hair thinning and hair loss, weight gain and weight loss, depression, anxiety? It can even help during that time of the month and with menopause symptoms. Let’s face it, anything to help ease even one half of those ailments would be worth it’s weight in gold!
So, I’ve taken my first step towards finding good sleep.
The next step is to get diagnosed.
We’re looking for something called sleep apnea – and in the simplest of definitions – it’s a sleeping disorder where you literally stop breathing while you’re sleeping and if you’re a snorer, you could have apnea. That’s me. Is it you, too?
After my initial consultation, I scheduled a sleep study.
Now, when I say sleep study, what do you think of? Maybe you think you’ll be hooked up to some machines with wires coming out of your head? Yeah, me too. Not the case with Dr. Soileau.
Using Fitbit technology, Louisiana Sleep Solutions uses a device kinda like a Fitbit for your finger.

I downloaded an app, synced it to my device and when I was ready to go to sleep, I put the device on my finger, hit the record button and did what I normally do – tossed and turned until I slept. Lol.
So, now I wait. I’ll drop off my device and by next week, I will have a diagnosis and we will work out some kind of plan of action. And get this – treatment does not include wearing a mask? Did you hear that? No mask, no hoses, no additional loud noises. And now, treatment is covered by both the VA and Medicare, and some insurances.
So, join me on the journey for good sleep. I’ll update you on socials and on our website. And I’ll be chatting with Dr. Soileau throughout this process so he can give you all the science stuff. I’ll just be your proof. And get this, Dr. Soileau is also a sleep apnea sufferer, so when he says he’s looking for a solution, it’s personal.
Are you interested in getting good sleep? Join me at Louisiana Sleep Solutions.
Check out https://louisianasleepsolutions.Com/ or stop by 420 Settlers Trace in River Ranch.
Let Dr. Soileau know that Danita sent ya.